
    A Welcome Addition

    A new member of the family arrived in our household a little over a week ago. He has completely upended our idyllic life. His name is Rocco and this little puppy has cuddled his way into everyone’s hearts.

    For as long as I’ve known her, my step-daughter has wanted a dog. Unfortunately, it was not possible in the rental properties we were all living in at the time. With the move now complete to the club of proud owners of our own home, the next logical step was finding the perfect opportunity to give her the dog she has desired. Her birthday in July made the most sense and after navigating the web, an appropriate breeder was found within a day’s drive and she picked him out immediately.

    Rocco is a combination of the Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise dog breeds and is commonly referred to as a teddy bear (or Shichon or Zuchon). He’s quite affectionate and loves getting his belly rubbed. As of this writing, he’s nine weeks old and teething like crazy so he’s constantly gnawing on his chew toys.

    He’s just the cutest puppy ever.

    Everybody else in the house has owned a pet of some kind before. Me… not so much. No dog, cat, hampster, beta fish, etc. My neighbors around the house I grew up in all had little dogs. My uncle had a large black labrador named Star. My other uncle had a small little dog named Sammy. Lastly, my brother’s family had a dog for a long time with Ozzie just recently passing away after living a long, great life.

    I’ve never had a dog.

    Of course, technically the dog is my step-daughter’s 100%. She’s the one taking care of the dog nine times out of ten. Still, Roccco is dominating our household. For the better, I might add.

    I thought buying a house was going to be the biggest adjustment I was going to face this year, but I think living with Rocco is taking the cake. I never knew how much fun it would be to have this dog chasing after chew toys, rolling over for belly rubs and watching him learn his name and get acclimated to his new surroundings. After these first few days, this pup has done nothing but put a smile on my face and everyone else’s face for that matter.

    A welcome addition.

    Simple and Low Key

    Milestone birthdays are supposed to be remembered and cherished. On my 16th birthday, I drove to the mall by myself. On my 21st birthday, I have no idea. I was probably at some bar watching a band. On my 30th and 40th birthdays… I do not recall anything special or memorable. Birthdays simply have never been a big deal for me.

    When I was growing up, my family would have a nice dinner and a cake. My grandma would come over, and I’d have a card and a present or two. It was always a pretty low-key affair. I don’t recall ever having a birthday party with a bunch of friends at the house.

    Today, however, is a milestone. I want to remember it, cherish it. Yes, I turn 50 today. I don’t feel 50. I guess I feel younger, but I’m wise enough to know I’m most certainly not younger, nor am I getting any younger.

    I woke up to Happy 50th Birthday decorations that my wife and stepdaughter had hung around the house. It was a pleasant surprise and one I really appreciated. Tonight, we meet my parents for a birthday dinner at an Italian restaurant. I’m looking forward to getting together and enjoying the evening.

    Simple and low key.

    Happy Valentine’s Day

    Never laugh at your significant other’s choices. You’re one of them.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Be Where Your Feet Are

    Alan Stein, a leadership and basketball performance coach who’s worked with players like Kevin Durant and Steph Curry, did a TED talk on something I need to be better at―time and attention.

    In the video, he explains how learning to be where your feet are can you help you become more present, productive, and successful.

    “Your habits are in fact a choice. You choose your habits and your habits are what dictate your happiness and your success.”

    His beginning, about what he learned from watching a Kobe Bryant private workout, is great.

    I recognize when someone is present and focused. I admire it in other people. In practice for myself, I’m terrible at it. Take ten minutes of your time to watch. I need to watch it about ten more times a day.

    The Right Questions

    Darius Foroux shares the 21 most important questions of your life across a variety of categories including life, career, and productivity.

    “The right question at the right time can spark the right answer that changes your life.”

    The questions include obvious ones like “Am I happy?” to “How can I help one person today?” It’s a whole range of ideas to ask yourself about work, career, productivity, and life.

    I wish I had good answers for all of them.

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