
    Randy Rainbow

    Dana Kennedy, writing for The Daily Beast, has a great story on internet sensation, Randy Rainbow. If you haven’t found his videos yet, please take some time and watch a couple. I like A Very Stable Genius and If You Ever Got Impeached.

    The Echo Chamber

    Isaac Butler at Slate has a decent examination of Crooked Media. Since the 2016 election, the media company, formed by the podcast hosts of Pod Save America, has become a progressive beacon.

    Butler states that the actual news and political analysis is low. I agree, but it’s more a reflection of the time we are living in versus an actual point of view. His biggest insight is one sentence –

    Pod Save America exists to do three things: confirm to the audience that they are not crazy and This Is Not Normal, rile the audience up with humor and outrage, and direct that energy toward concrete action items that will help elect Democrats and push back against the GOP’s agenda.

    I hope it succeeds.

    Do Better Than Us

    Dave Pell, of NextDraft fame, writes a marvelous treatise on Emma Gonzalez and the aftermath of gun violence.

    Emma and her classmates have called out the failure of the adults in the room. They’ve minced no words identifying the hypocrisy they’ve encountered. They’re not being silenced or exhausted by the cynical and ridiculous arguments used to explain how it somehow makes sense that in America someone can buy a weapon of war and bring it to school.
    I hope this generation makes a difference.
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