Share Your Gifts

Apple has made a sweet holiday commercial this season. It looks like a Pixar short and, I think, captures what many creative do all day, every day.

It’s just beautiful with minimum product placement. Brilliant.

Grinch Burns

Drew Magary, writing for The Concourse, has come up with the official ranking of Grinch burns. His top two are spot on.

1. Your soul is an appalling dump heap, overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled-up knots.

2. You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile. (2a. Given the choice between the two of you, I’d take the seasick crocodile.)

Read the rest.

Save 100%

You can save 100% by staying home on Black Friday.

Reduce Friction

I need to simplify the creative workflow. My solution is to attempt to reduce all the friction I have.

What are the reasons I don’t do something? Eliminating these reasons” reduces the friction to accomplish something worthwhile.

I want to get more exercise. The solution is to use my treadmill to its maximum use.

I want to write more. The solution is to use the simplest writing application.

Make things less complicated. Make things more easier.

The simpler my creative workflow, the more creativity can expand, the more energy can be expended, and the happier I’ll be.

Black Friday

Black Friday - where people will literally fight others for materialistic items just one day after they’ve given thanks for what they already have.

Turkey’s Away is the Best Thanksgiving Episode Ever

Jen Chaney, writing in Vulture, posits the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP in Cincinnati is the best of all TV land.

I haven’t watched it in years, but I’ve seen it so many times the jokes are etched on my brain. Sacks of wet cement, indeed.

Katie and Me

Katie and Me

Giving Thanks

On Thanksgiving this year, we pulled out videos taken more than twenty years ago of Thanksgiving’s of old. I knew I’d see a few people who have left us too soon — an uncle, a cousin. I knew I’d see my ex-wife.

I didn’t know I’d see my grandma. She rarely showed up for Thanksgiving at our house because we still had a Thanksgiving at her house to go to like a day or two later. I became slightly emotional.

As I’ve gotten older, Thanksgiving is a small, immediate family affair. It’s good to reminisce and smile at the larger, more involved holidays of the past, but I think I prefer the more intimate gathering

Still, seeing grandma made me reflect on what the day is really for, giving thanks for the good things in my life now and in the past. I was so thankful I had my grandma in my life growing up. She was there nearly every day of my young life and a good many years after.

I hope I’m a person that people are thankful for that I’m in their lives. I want to give as much as I can for my friends and family. I hope I am.

I also hope this Thanksgiving finds you, dear reader, thinking of your blessings, of the ones no longer celebrating, and of the ones around you who are important and loved.

Give thanks.

Politifact’s 2018 Thanksgiving Dinner Guide

While talking about politics is usually considered bad form at Thanksgiving, you know and I know that it’s going to happen. Why not come prepared?

The PolitiFact 2018 Thanksgiving Dinner Guide has your covered. Here are all the less-than-true talking points that might also get served up at dinner along with the turkey and stuffing and the proper answers.

There’s nothing like debunking your racsist uncle over cranberry sauce is there?

Nothing on the Page is Real

There are a lot of stories about fake news. Eli Saslow writing for The Washington Post has one worth your time.

Christopher Blair created a Facebook page during the 2016 presidential campaign. The page was political satire making fun of the far right. Of course, people didn’t get that it was satire; they thought it was real and the outrage would begin.

What Blair had first conceived of as an elaborate joke was beginning to reveal something darker. “No matter how racist, how bigoted, how offensive, how obviously fake we get, people keep coming back,” Blair once wrote, on his own personal Facebook page. “Where is the edge? Is there ever a point where people realize they’re being fed garbage and decide to return to reality?”

They don’t want reality. They want a reality show.

You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch - Lindsey Stirling ft. Sabrina Carpenter

Your manic pixie girlfriend, Lindsey Stirling, and the other girl from Girl Meets World, Sabrina Carpenter, put together a rip-roaring rendition of “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.”

The horns are especially lovely.

Powder Blue Belongs in the 80s

The St. Louis Cardinals unveiled new/retro powder blue alternate away uniforms for the upcoming season.

I hate them with the heat of a thousand suns.

They don’t look “retro cool.” They look ridiculous.

This “idea” should have been relegated to a one-time thing. The club could still sell the shit out of them to gullible fans who want to reminisce about the good old days.

These uniforms infuriate me.

Hey, Cardinals organization… forget all this window dressing and make a move this off-season to win or watch your revenues start to go up in blue smoke.

Something Special

Shannon Ryan has a fantastic article on Illinois Basketball’s Freshman phenom Ayo Dosunmu.

Not since Dee Brown — another charismatic, supremely talented player from Chicago — arrived in 2002 from Proviso East have Illinois fans felt so justifiably convinced about a player’s potential.

I watch a lot of Illinois Basketball and have been lucky enough to be around the program a little bit. He’s the real deal. I can’t wait to watch him get better and help usher in a new era for the program.

New John Williams Music

It doesn’t quite sound like Star Wars without John Williams. So, I was pleased to hear new music from Williams in preparation for the opening of Disney’s new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge theme park.

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens in Disneyland in Anaheim next summer and in the Fall at Walt Disney World in Orlando. It’s been a while since I’ve been to any of the Disney parks and this new addition certainly adds to the desire to head back.


Just in time for Thanksgiving!

Sated is a keto-based, ready-to-drink meal replacement shake that’s high in fiber, high in protein and low in carbohydrates, a formula believed to help the body reach ketosis, a metabolic state induced through carbohydrate restriction. In other words, Sated is a keto-friendly version of Soylent.

I took note of it a few months ago when it was on Kickstarter.

I had tried Soylent, but I didn’t love it. I can buy Sated on Amazon now, but it’s far too expensive to test.

If the price goes down, I might try it.

Love is the Path to Excellence

Hugh MacLeod of Gapingvoid dropped something profound in today’s email. Reposting it here for remembrance.

When you love what you do, the world can tell.

The world wants to hear more.

The world wants to open doors for you.

The world wants to give you their business.

Because when you love what you do, when you love your customers, clients, patients, you’ve got what everybody wants.

And everybody wants what you got.

They can’t help it.

So we repeat, if you want to be successful, stop trying to win the lottery, stop trying to be the next Steve Jobs, Mick Jagger or Michael Jordan.

Just find something you love to do, and excel at it.

Because that’s how most really successful people got there.

Collaborating with William Goldman

With the passing of the amazingly talented writer William Goldman, there have been many collaborators sharing their stories of working on projects of his from movies and stage productions.

My favorite so far is this one from Will Frears in Vulture.

I Found the Best Burger Place in America. And Then I Killed It.

Kevin Alexander’s story in Thrillist is a wonderful bit of writing. It’s so much more than a story about a story. It’s about blame, personal responsibility, and the power of the internet.

The Pullout Method

I’ve gotten into many arguments regarding the proper removal of USB flash drives from computers. I say you have to click to eject, others say just take it out.

Doing a bit of research I found this article by Rob Verger in Popular Science:

Pull a USB flash drive out of your Mac without first clicking to eject it, and you’ll get a stern, shameful warning: “Disk Not Ejected Properly.”

But do you really need to eject a thumb drive the right way?

Probably not. Just wait for it to finish copying your data, give it a few seconds, then yank. To be on the cautious side, be more conservative with external hard drives, especially the old ones that actually spin.

That’s not the official procedure, nor the most conservative approach. And in a worst-case scenario, you risk corrupting a file or — even more unlikely — the entire storage device.

I hate this. Doing it wrong can create a corrupt file. A corrupt file can basically destroy the USB flash drive. I’ve lost a whole external hard drive because of accidental “Disk Not Ejected Properly” notices.

Do it the right way.