This story in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch from Benjamin Hochman about when the St. Louis College of Pharmacy ended a 107-game losing streak is a must-read.

The Eutectics picked away at the lead in the second half. Wright scored 20 in the half alone, included a duo of dunks. The crowd, Harter recalled, reached “a fever pitch,” and as the former player Frazer watched from the stands, “We all decided we were going to storm the court if they won. But we had some security guards that were near us and told us we weren’t allowed to.”

Harter had gathered seven players and coaches from the women’s hoops team and headed up to the walking track, which overlooked the court.

“We started handing out those confetti cannons,” she said. “Everybody got two. We emptied out the case. We were all just waiting for that buzzer to hit.”

The St. Louis College of Pharmacy won a basketball game.

The home team defeated Lindenwood-Belleville 77-66.

Eutectic euphoria.

The confetti streams rained down upon the players and students, gleefully cheering on the court — “We went ahead and did it anyways,” Frazer said.

My father graduated from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy many, many moons ago and was on the team back them. I hope he’s seen this story.