Judd Legum asked some incredibly smart people a smart question. With a likely large and diverse field of Democrat contenders vying for the Presidency in 2020, how should primary voters decide who to vote for?

There is an abundance of good ideas presented. I was especially taken with what Ron Klain, former Chief of Staff to Vice President Joe Biden had to say.

First, the most important quality in any potential nominee is his/her ability to defeat Trump, who poses a profound threat to our country and our democracy. The problem is that it may not be entirely obvious, ex ante, which candidate is best suited for that task. Pundit analysis and theater-criticism-style reviews of the candidates is a poor way to sort this out. Watching the candidates perform over the long and trying process of the primary campaign is much more likely to be a reliable indicator.

While I understand his view of theater-criticism-style reviews is poor, these reviews helped Donald Trump win over Hilary Clinton.