Leo Babauta has a wonderful take on the new year.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you want to fill it with distractions, or keep only the most important work, relationships, commitments

  • Do you want to be constantly checking social media, or would you like to read long-form writing and books, perhaps create something new?

  • Do you want to be more mindful? More compassionate? More whole-hearted in your relationships?

  • Do you want to be more active, eat more healthy, nourishing food? Get outdoors more, find more solitude?

  • Do you want to have greater focus for your meaningful work? Be more organized?

  • Simplify your life? Get your finances in order?

Pick just a handful. Spread them out over the year. Don’t overfill the year with a list of 20 things you want to do — savor the space of your blank slate.

Interesting ideas, not sure it’s for me.