I use Google Docs for a lot of my writing. It’s the service that allows me to write in a way that works the best for me. I use Word mostly at work and Docs for my personal projects. I’m not a power-user, but I’m always looking for ways to make Google Docs work better, faster, easier, etc.

Josh Spector in his For the Interested newsletter, linked to an article on Fast Company by JR Raphael breaking down 25 useful Google Docs tricks and tips. I did not know very many of these and a couple really surprised me. Here are a couple that stood out.

9. Docs’s dictation feature is good for more than just regular writing and editing: Anytime you have some audio that needs to be turned into text–from a recorded interview, a podcast, or whatever the case may be–find a quiet room for your computer, fire up Docs’s voice typing mode, and let the audio play. Docs will provide a full transcription of your recorded audio, no specialty services or fees required.

12. Docs has its own tool to let you crop or edit images: Just click on an image within your document, then click the Format menu and select Image.” There, you’ll find the command for cropping as well as a broader Image Options” selection that contains functions for recoloring and adjusting the image’s transparency, brightness, and contrast.

25. Don’t limit yourself to Docs’s list of default fonts. You can add dozens of fonts into your word processing setup–and once they’re added, they’ll always be available in the regular font dropdown menu. All you have to do is open that dropdown menu and look for the More fonts” option at the top. Click it and browse or search Google’s web font archive to find the style that meets your needs–then write away with the right look for every project you tackle.

I’m going to try the transcription one straightaway.