My weekend was spent with my daughter for her birthday, and it was wonderful.

I’m so proud of the young woman she has become and the life she has carved out for herself. She has developed independence and self-sufficiency I would never have believed a few years ago.

Spending a few moments with some of her friends and co-workers, I was struck by how they had nothing but glowing things to say about her. They were excited to meet me and tell me how great my kid is. There is no greater feeling than seeing your offspring succeed, and she has done so on her own terms.

She’s only a few years younger than I was when she came into my life. In many ways, though, she’s already surpassed me at that age. She’s going to do great things and make a difference in so many people’s lives.

Someone said, “It’s been such a pleasure getting to know your daughter.” I laughed and said, “It was fun for me too.”

Happy birthday.