Hugh MacLeod has penned an open letter to the ignored. It’s brilliant.

Dear Ignored,

I call you that because you’re like me, you see.

Your movie will never be bought by Hollywood. Washington will never elect you to the Senate. The New York Times will never review your book . Columbia will never offer you a record deal. Google will never buy your startup. You will never be a guest on The Tonight Show. Your paintings will never hang in the MoMA.

Like me, you will be permanently ignored by the big fish. You will never be a Name”. You will be one of those people that the Names” are completely oblivious to.

But that’s OK. By being Ignored” that means nobody is watching you. That means you can do what you want, with the people you want, making a difference on your own terms.

And with the Internet, that is easier than ever. Just start. Today. Find your tribe online and give them a reason to be excited. Make it matter. Make it count. Like Seth Godin says, don’t wait to be picked, pick yourself.

Just don’t waste a second ever again, waiting for the phone to ring. The phone isn’t going to ring. This is our fate. We are The Ignored. We’re going to change the world on our terms, not theirs.

And Thank God for that.

Let me know how you get on,

Lot of Love,
