Here’s a question I saw recently, “Would you rather believe you can’t achieve something you haven’t but that others have, or that you chose not to?”

I find this kind of internal monologue question interesting mostly because I don’t usually have internal monologues with myself. I told this to my wife and stepdaughter the other day, and they looked at me like I was an alien.

The question feels like, “do you want to lie to yourself or not?” It’s the “I can’t ask her out” versus “I chose not to ask her out.” Can’t or won’t.

It’s a mindset and one that everyone can control. Make a choice and follow through.

Want to get healthier? Choose behaviors that match the goal. Instead of “I can’t work out” or even “I chose not to work out,” why not simply avoid those internal dialogues completely and lead with “I’m going to work out.” You make it a no-brainer choice, a thing you do each day, so it becomes a habit, and you eliminate the internal question.

Believing you can’t is enough to not even try for a lot of people. You have to change your mindset. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and having a “can’t do attitude” is detrimental.

Change your thinking and change your life.