Here it is. Facebook is bad. You already knew this, but whatever.

Over the weekend, we learned even more about what Facebook has known about its platform all along. Seventeen news outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, and released dozens of stories based on thousands of pages of leaked internal documents from Facebook.

The cross-outlet project is called The Facebook Papers and Protocol has made a great guide for sorting through all of it. I’m also rather partial to The Atlantic’s reporting by Adrienne LaFrance. Also, Tom McCay at Gizmodo has a good breakdown.

The leaks have confirmed a lot of things that many reporters and researchers have been claiming for years. Facebook knowingly promotes right-wing content and conspiracy theories over non-politicized content. They played a central role in organizing the January 6 insurrection. The only nice thing to come out of this is that apparently, there aren’t any young people on the site anymore.

I probably need to leave too.