Ivaylo Durmonsky has a very well-written article exploring social media's deeper aspects.

Yes, quitting social media or doing a social media detox will calm your senses and increase your well-being. Plus, you keep your personal data for a little longer. But there is something else. Something I don’t see others acknowledging.
The main benefit of taking a break from social media is that you stop living in a fictional world and finally start dealing with your own reality.

This is something I’m beginning to think seriously about. Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time on Instagram (mostly Reels), and my wife has noticed. I’m not feeling particularly good about a lot of things in my life personally and the world generally, and I’m wondering if I’m subconsciously wanting to escape into my digital world.

Durmonsky points this out in his piece:

People will do anything than consider their dreadful reality.
The greatest source of suffering for the modern man is the most banal: Boredom.
We can’t survive even a minute without doing something.
That’s why social media websites are so popular and so hard to quit.

When was the last time you were bored? For me, I always turn to the old chestnut of “only boring people are bored,” but maybe I’m wrong about this. Maybe I’m turning to social media to avoid reality. That seems unhealthy.