I have found, late in life, that I kinda sorta enjoy watching games when they are on my television. I don’t go out of my way to watch, but sometimes it’s fun to take in a game without a rooting interest. I do not have a favorite NFL team.

On Monday, I got sucked into the Steelers/Bears game and saw one of the worst calls by a referee ever. I’ll let Drew Magary explain:

The Steelers were up three facing third-and-8 from the Bears’ 47 when outside linebacker Cassius Marsh, fresh from the practice squad and seen here looking like a weary traveler who’s about to rest after a long journey across the Dragonlands, took advantage of excellent coverage on the backend and sacked Ben Roethlisberger to give Chicago the ball back and a chance to tie, or even take the lead.
But oh wait! None of that actually happened, because Marsh dared to talk shit to the Steelers sideline from a dangerous 20 yards away. Referee Tony Corrente spotted the infraction immediately. And by “immediately,” I mean well after the offenses and defenses had started to leave the field, and after Corrente pulled a 2020 Trae Young and did an ever-so-subtle jab step directly into Marsh’s path before throwing his flag as high and as conspicuously as he possibly could.

It was a horrible call. There were others in the game too, but that one was the worst. Again, I don’t have a rooting interest. Mostly, I just wanted to point out that the link Magary pulls describing Cassius Marsh is the funniest line I’ve read in days.