I don’t know about you, but I have a general feeling of helplessness right now, and I don’t like it. I imagine we are all experiencing that same depression and inability to fix [waves hands around randomly] everything. The pressure keeps building.

Flashpoints are happening in a dozen different places, and I feel apprehensive. I know part of me wants to return to some sense of normalcy, and another part knows that’s never happening. My world of pre-March 2020 is never coming back. I want what’s been taken away from me, and it feels, lately, that it’s just out of reach. Probably permanently.

Additionally, I’ve been working on my mental health. The pandemic was not a horrific turn of events in my world like it was for so many others. I was lucky. Still, it took its toll on me. My communication was poor. I was having trouble just talking with my wife. We are still working on it.

Now, as we navigate the post-pandemic world, the feeling of pressure keeps building.

How will you handle it? How will I handle it?

I don’t know.