Cal Newport, writing at his site, has a post about work-life balance. He cites an article by Slate write, Dan Kois.

The very idea that, once work hours were over, no one could get hold of you—via email, text, Slack, whatever—is completely alien to contemporary young people,” Kois explained. But this reality made a huge difference when it came to the perception of busyness and exhaustion. When work was done at work, and there was no chance of continuing your labors at home, your job didn’t seem nearly as all-consuming or onerous.

I can go effortlessly between work and home. When I began working from home, it was pretty easy. I continuously jump from work mode to home mode. Consequently, I’m never stressed about work. I’m also lucky that I don’t have co-workers or a boss constantly sending me work stuff after work hours or on the weekends. Not everyone is so lucky.