I keep seeing this image online, so I thought I’d take a minute to make some checkmarks.

I’ve used a rotary phone, a floppy disk, a typewriter, an encyclopedia, a phone book, and a paper map. Check. I’ve taken pics with a film camera, listened to music on a CD and a Boombox, made a mixed tape, owned a Walkman, watched a movie on VHS, and even rented some from Blockbuster. I’ve learned Cursive, played an Atari, sent and received Faxes, ordered from Columbia House, accessed the Internet via dial-up, sent a postcard, and uncurled a telephone cord. I still own a couple of dictionaries, and I infrequently write checks.

The two things I’ve never done from that list are have a MySpace account or an AOL address. I did have a HoTMaiL address, so that should count for something. Consequently, I’m old, at least by the standards of whoever compiled this list. If so, I’m glad I’ve lived long enough to see most things on this list be replaced by something newer and better.

That thought makes me smile.