Kamala Harris beat the shit out of Donald Trump in their first (and likely last) debate.

She destroyed him.

She broke him.

She killed it.

She shattered his glass ego.

It was the strong performance that Democrats had hoped to see. Every time, Trump took the bait and looked like a “raving loon.”

Even Fox News wasn’t feeling their man’s performance—“Make no mistake” about his “bad night,” said one presenter. It looks like the beginning of the end.

The Washington Post says this is the fifth biggest victory out of 25 debate polls dating back to 1984. Also, shares of his company are now tumbling following the awful performance.

It really was a terrible, no-good performance. Of course, when he “loses,” the blame is on everyone but himself. When he doesn’t get exactly what he wants, it’s unfair, rigged, somebody cheated, and everything he did was perfect. This act is tiresome.

I totally agree with John Scalzi about Trump.

Donald Trump was at the best any of us will ever see him again. This was the one place and time where he was meant to be prepared, coherent and presidential, where he was not surrounded by handlers, coddlers and sycophants. This was meant to be the one place and time where he was meant to keep his id and his ego in check, put voters and Americans first, and make a case for a second shot at the presidency. This was the one place and time where his worst and most self-indulgent impulses were supposed to be reined in. This was Trump on his best and most decent behavior, or at the very least, the best and most behavior he is capable of. We see how that went.

It’s unlikely Trump will do another debate, because Trump doesn’t like being a loser, and he lost this debate even more comprehensively than he lost the 2020 election. From here he’ll retreat into the safe little world of right-wing media, where even his most unhinged pronouncements are met with respectful nodding and agreement. He’ll double down on his hate and his ranting and his inability to censor even the most embarrassing of thoughts. And if, after all of that, he’s still rewarded with a second term, then all his resentment and seething inadequacy will find a focus on anyone and everyone who ever made him feel a fool, and this time, he won’t bother having anyone around him who will tell him no.

Last night is the best Trump will ever be from here on out. At his very best, then, he is a loser, a fraud, a racist, a criminal and an embarrassment. He has no plan other than to avoid prison. He has nothing to him but anger and cowardliness and revenge. It’s impossible at this point that anyone doesn’t know this. No one who is voting for him at this point can pretend they are voting for anything other than that. No one who is somehow still “undecided” at this point can be under the delusion that he will somehow improve.