Build a World, Not an Audience
I recently stumbled onto Kenning Hu as I surf the information highway. Writing at her site, she has some interesting thoughts about building worlds on the Internet.
in this digital age where everyone wants to “monetize” something, you constantly find yourself inside a marketing funnels — filled with shiny things, and quick-fix promises, and slippery slopes.
**marketing funnels are everywhere. **
**digital worlds are rare. **
so here is my strategy:
instead of “building an audience,” build a world. build a digital garden-ecosystem, that exists — first and primarily — for itself. a world that doesn’t need likes, traffic, subscribers, or clicks — in order to validate its existence.
build a world that the RIGHT people — your kindred people — will discover, will gravitate towards, and fall in love with. build a world that no one else can replicate, except you.
build a world expansive enough to HOLD your work, your multi-faceted spirit — and your audience.
I kinda love this.